Sunday, June 26, 2016

On His Way Out

A dog's going to scratch we're he itches and the chips will falls where they will.

It's a decent idea, unless you're short, to avoid those falling chips if you can . After the Brexit experience half the globe is trying to assess the damage and where some of those chips will hit the ground next. Mixed therein is a constant--human emotions like anger, resentment,  joy, relief and revenge. You can count on it. Another thing one can count on is the range of these assessments.

If moderation is, as it's been suggested over the centuries, a good thing, it's probably even more significant now. In retrospect, it's clear many were way to overloaded the long side of the Brexit gambol. So far that seems to have been pushed adrift by the tragic side. In this case, last one out turn off the lights. Maybe. Winston Churchill reportedly remarked most of us whenever we're fortunate enough to trip over opportunity simply pick ourselve up, brush ourselves off and move on down the street. Unless you need the money, don't be too quick to get flushed out.

We happen to think the breakup of the EU in the long run in the name of personal liberty will be one of humanity's finest hours before the robots displace the whole tribe. Evolution is what evolution does. One apparently popular MSM theme now is money will avoid heading to the UK and many of those potential UK wannabes. We think just the opposite. We think after the short-term dust settles it will attract money for obvious reasons. A simple one is an independent pound. Not too many so-called safe haven, soverign currencies around. Sovereignty and the EU was a classic get-go oxynoron.

We also believe the UK exit will force the EU to show it's smothering arrogance and drop more money on lost causes like Greece. In short, Greece just picked up more bargaining chips. So did Italy and the perennial rule breaker France. Toss in Spain and Portugal and you have the sauce for an even greater spending spree with the ultimate default later. It often takes a lost cause to recognize one.

So the smart money is leave now if you want to survive later to avoid the rush. A dog is going to scratch wherever he itches. Leave the light on for the last Brussel's bureaucrat out the door. He will probably stop, look and assign the light switch to a committee on his way out.

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