Tuesday, June 28, 2016

More True Now Than Ever

There's a common misconception about elections--one fostered either from purpose or ignorance for years by MSM--that they evolve around liberal versus conservative. Any even cursory study of non-doctored or non-revised history shows that was never the case and the Brexit vote lasers home that point.

The Republican Party founded in Michigan in the 1850s and later to send Abraham Lincoln to the White House was a remnant of the old Whig Party with it's economic agenda firmly fixed by the statist Whig doctrines featuring a huge increase in centralized government power centered on big income tax increases, heavy taxes on liquor and tobacco, huge land grants and monetary handouts to railroads and the reinstatement of protective tariffs.

A recent musical Broadway hit that celebrated Federalist Alexander Hamilton gained much praise for its PC rather than its historical accuracy. The Hamiltonian Higher Federalists Party preceded the Whig Party, followed then by the new Republican Party, all sharing their common love of a central bank and for big centralized government.

The other side of that ledger, as Murray Rothbard in his, "The Case Against the Fed," puts it:  "Ranged against this powerful group of nationalists was an equally powerful movement dedicated to laissez-faire, free markets, free trade, ultra-minimal and decentralized government, and....a hard money system based squarely on gold and silver, with banks shorn of all special privileges and hopefully confined to 100-percent specie banking."

This group, as Rothbard notes, "comprised Jeffersonian Democratic-Republican and then the Jacksonian Democratic Party, and their potential constituents permeated every occupation except those of banker and banker's favorite elite clientele."  Jackson was a huge opponent of central banking and laid to rest the second rendition of a harmful U.S. central bank in the 1830s before Wall Street bankers led by J Pierpont Morgan and others reopened Pandora's box in 1913 with the current version.

If there is anything even remotely redolent of laissez-faire, free markets, free trade, ultra-minimal and decentralized government, and a hard money system backed squarely by gold and silver with banks shorn of special privileges...." about the current left-wing controlled Democrat Party we have yet to see it. And the same applies to that Grand Old Party today's neocons on both sides love. You know the ones: military-industrial complex, war and more of the same. Both are corporatism nannies. It's just a matter of degree.

This is why the recent Brexit vote is so important and symbolic. With the birth of the Internet people now know they are both the same; however, like any good, profitable drug dealer they're simply pushing their brand of elitism. Shackles come in many sizes and names.

The WSJ, a shill for the Grand Old Party, recently printed this canard: "Elections are usually fought on the familiar terrain of liberal versus conservative and big government versus small. That is now shifting to nationalist versus internationalist and ordinary workers versus elites."

The truth is, as the example above notes, it's always been ordinary workers versus the elites and its history goes back a long, long way. A while back in U.S. political history a third party candidate characterized these two parties, saying: "There's not a dime's worth of difference between the two."

Since then we've suffered some serious inflation, but the concept is more true now than ever. And that's just one reason why Brexit has so fired up the fear meters of the entrenched.

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