Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Change The Past

For longer than we care to recall we've been arguing that the Democrats have been taking the African-American vote for granted since 1932. They see African-Americans as one monolithic block of voters they can count on election after election.

Our first encounter with such occurred many years ago when we did a graduate school paper about FDR's New Deal and blacks. It was an historical study right up to the then current times.Only then during the 1930s they were referred to as Negroes. So our paper had the title: "Negroes and the New Deal."

Our only mistake was to turn it into a propagandizing leftist professor. One can be fairly naive even in graduate school.  He couldn't criticize it on the merits of its content, its writing or grammar. All he could do was downgraded it on his bias. In his eyes even way back then nobody dared to question the accepted wisdom. And if you know anything about academia, you know there is no arguing or even debating with accepted wisdom.

Somewhere on the Internet today I came across a you tube message from Louis Farrakhan to Obama that said,we'll paraphrase it, but it can be found. Leave Trump alone to do what he does.You failed intercity blacks. In our view, that's way too kind. The Democrats have been failing them for years and now there are doing the same with Hispanics. And so has the Republicans; that's why we say both of these parties are stone cold bankrupt.

In Zen there is saying: The only thing you can change is the past. Lots of people struggle with that and what it means. It's really quite simple. Change the past or repeat if you don't.

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