If someone walked up to you and asked: "Zero times a positive integer equals what?"
This is an elementary school example of why you should not rely on the mainstream media for your daily rush of news. Zero times anything always comes out the same, zero.
With MSM it's about marketing, not reliable information you want to stake your family or your future or for that matter anything you cherish and hold dear on.
Whether its about another freeway car chase or corporate corruption or the latest celebrity version of ménage a trios it just so much warmed-up hash. It may smell good, but taste and substance, well, they're as they always are part of the rest of the tale. And part of the rest of the story is about who gets to tell it?
If there are five freeway car chases the same day, which one do they cover, the one involving the corrupt politician who's wanted for stealing money from his favorite charity, the people, or the one with the drugged-up estranged rock star who's threatening to jump off the curb and commit suicide because his Paxil ain't kicking in like it use to and his fifth paramour this month just bailed?
Recently we posted a piece about those red-blue election maps that pop up every four years. We said the most inaccurate place to get your history is from historians, noting that historians, like those maps, come in two colors, red and blue. Well, now you know the rest of the tale about MSM. Rely on it at your own peril. And while you're at it pass the Paxil.
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