Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
There's been much discussion about the recently released unemployment numbers and the so-called new discovered jobs from earlier months.

The key item here is new discovered jobs or upward revision. Though this is not new, quite often the numbers often get revised, up or down. That's the part you should be paying attention to, revisions as in suspect.

Supposedly they found more new jobs but overall unemployment went up to 7.8. With the so-called unemployment number set for the Fed to turn off the monetary printers at 6.5 you should be asking what's so magical in that figure?

The next thing you ought to be asking yourself as an investor is what's on the list of things the government does efficiently: balance the budget, control spending, run Amtrak and the postal service?

Pay-to-delay may be on its way out with the impending departure next week of the Federal Trade Commission head Jon Leibowitz.
According to some, Leibowitz has been a big thorn in the side of big pharmaceuticals and their pay-to-delay deals with generic drug manufacturers.

Simply put, the big boys would agree to a settlement to pay up if the generics would delay production of the knock-off drugs and end any litigation. Leibowitz argued the delay cost consumers money and were anti-competitive.

Costing folks money--especially if its big pharmacy--will get you some attention. Next month the Supreme Court will review those agreements. However the court decides, they'll most likely be some hip-hip hooraying going on by one group or the other.

The Market And Boxing
In boxing there's an imaginary line separating the fighters. Once one of them crosses that line, it's on. The same applies to markets that get ahead of themselves, something many believe this current market has. Different traders have different numbers they're looking for to signal the start. But be assured there's one there and most likely it's much closer than retail investors think

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