Friday, May 2, 2014


To many investors the mention of IR brings to mind interest rates.

And that's logical since interest rates play such a big role in one's life. But there's another IR, one made famous by former Fed Chair Sir Alan Greenspan.

Greenspan popularized the term with the fawning MSM's help during the bubble, a bubble he did nothing about albeit he's still denying his pivotal role as recently as this week. It's, ok Alan, those who lived it know the truth.

Now the folks at GMO, a huge money management firm led by the noted Jeremy Grantham, are exhuming the term again, most likely something Sir Alan probably won't much care for.

Greenspan first uttered the term in a December 1996 speech by the same name, Irrational Exuberance, a term rumor has it he copped from Yale economist Robert Shiller during a conversation the two had the day before.!Hpgyb

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