Sunday, May 4, 2014


Could this be a warning sign? You'll have to decide for yourself. Sooner or later the punch bowl gets removed.

These things have a way of going on longer than many think. That's what makes timing so difficult. Few want to get out too late, but even fewer want to get out too soon. It's called seller's remorse. And the herd-driven MSM is one of the main accomplices. After all Joe Q. Public, via his and her retirement accounts, are just now transitioning to the equity party. And it's been a huge one.

The big squeeze is on. And the one thing the big squeezers have is patience. Got to give the tame rabbits time to get more than just their feet in the door. In the Elizabethan Era it was known as the art of coney catching.

Today: Same squeeze, different name.

Margin rates are to low interest rates as subprime is to defaults. There's more than enough burn room here to go around. So like the guy in the Dos Equis commercial always says: "Stay thirsty, my friends."

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