Friday, May 9, 2014


Ever been to one of those meetings or church services where they ask you to turn to your left, your right, your rear and in front of you and greet someone?

Well, we'd like to challenge you a bit more, sort of up the ante a notch. Next time you get a chance turn to your left, to your right, to your rear and then to your front and ask each person if he or she ever head of OER.

It should be a bit of fun and we think you'll fine the responses quite interesting. For the record here's what OER is:

OER is a Washington made economic delusion if there ever was one. For example, more than $1 trillion of our $17 trillion GDP consists of OER according to the Commerce Department. Yet not a single human being has ever paid or even seen an OER. Instead, its an “imputation” made-up by government statisticians based on a survey questionnaire that is even more fantastical.

The above quote is an excerpt from economist David Stockman's recent blog, STOCKMAN'S CORNER The “Un-Flation” Watch: Rents Up 4.5% Y/Y, But OER Far Below

If you sniff a boondoggle or a white elephant here your eighth cranial nerve's working just fine. Now you don't have to like Stockman. Maybe he's too far right or too much of an ex-wonk or whatever. But there are plenty of others, agenda-less people, who recognize a farce when it comes dressed up in economic bureaucratic BS.

No, using the BS term is neither mean-spirited nor crass. It's pure, unvarnished truth, something that's rarer today than a Brasher doubloon gold coin.

For more about this Washington-centered bureaucratic BS.

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