Saturday, May 3, 2014


Japan Prepares to Enter the Arms Market

Some might not see this post as having much to do about the market and that's fine. 

But there's been a sea change in Japan and we've written about it before, a mood change in the tiny once pacifist island country that held sway from 1945 until just recently.

It's like there's a new sheriff in town. With China and Russia sharing recent military operations and both countries' ties to Iran, the winds of change are in the air. 

Toss in Japan's historical relations with China, a bureaucratic emasculated EU, the current quagmire in the Ukraine, clueless US foreign policy and it's beginning to look a lot less like a kinder, gentler world. 

And by the way, did we mention North Korea?

Like it or not that's a world that can turn your investments every way but loose.

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