Friday, December 4, 2015


The Danes seem to get it more than most albeit they're still a piecemeal part of the European Union.

What they understand it appears are two terms we've discussed at length many times--solvency and sovereignty.  Like the lines of that old Sinatra tune, love and marriage, a horse and carriage, they go together. And it's pretty difficult if not impossible to have one without the other.

Last Thursday Danish voters sent a shrill warning to EU bureaucrats who are setting up for their next confab and confab is the correct term here because that's what bureaucrats spend their time doing. That itself should not surprise. That they get paid for it should.

There's another thing many Danes apparently understand, the dangers of immigration. Denmark has
reportedly some of the EU 's toughest immigration laws. Immigration today might be more dangerous than any time in the last 100 years.

As one scribe put it: The result marks a blow to a beleaguered EU, which faces the threat of a U.K. exit and a worsening crisis in Greece. The People’s Party has said it’s willing to enter an alliance with other EU-skeptical parties that would ask Danes to vote much more often on European reforms.

Next up is the UK, a nation already swamped in socialistic over-regulation and paralyzing bureaucracy. A campaign theme for the no crowd might be: Forget the Queen. Petition God to save your currency and your sovereignty.

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