We don't like to get into politics specifically because both of these bankrupt entities, left and right, have nothing substantially to offer, but this MSM war against The Donald should tell you everything you want to ever know about MSM.
Our only interest here is economic. Make no mistake: Economics is politics and politics is economics. And there's much riding on this one if you make any pretense whatsoever of giving a big banjo player's butt about your liberty and freedom and economic future.
CNN Money is running a story today with the headline "Donald Trump gets cut off "Morning Joe." First of all, getting cut off from CNN is probably one of the highest distinctions or commendations one could ever achieve in this dimension this time around.
The headline itself is deceiving, a traditional forte of MSM. But we'll let you decide. The trouble MSM has with Trump and anyone else who might be like him is they detest on the one hand and can't accept on the other he simply is saying much that resonates with people who are hardly bigots, hateful or stupid.
A recent example is one so-called journalist at The Fiscal Times wrote that nearly 68 percent of current Trump supporters are not college educated and only around 16 percent, young or old, have been officially baptized in those academic propaganda cauldrons. The essence of the article was to convince these people this guy can't win so why waste your time.
Forget the numbers here; they don't matter. It's the intent. Intent is all with MSM and with MSM all is intent.
Here's another example from the CNN piece. Trump is known among the political press for ignoring questions and instead using them as a springboard. Apparently, the poor soul who penned this is either woefully ignorant of political history or one of the useful idiots crowd. His sentence is the classic Webster's definition of politicians and bureaucrats the globe over.
Why single Trump out for it? The simple answer is: Trump is hitting a major nerve, one these MSM elitists who want to interpret and dictate what's good for the rest of us hatefully detest. Some lady we read about daily with a long track record of avoiding answers and jumping onto that springboard, has MSM cut her off yet?
Know what you have here. That's your only chance. We don't know Trump, never met Trump, don't support Trump. The truth is not so much what he has been saying, offensive or otherwise. Trump presents MSM and the current establishment with three biggies, three major problems, they absolutely abhor. He's unpredictable, uncontrollable and, with a little good fortune for all the rest of us, probably un-buyable.
The threat is palpable. And if it gets any worse you'll see MSM with an even bigger problem: Trying to figure out which leg their crap is running down the faster. You can tell how threatened these folks are by how many stories on the man they lead with daily. Ones like he wants to kill the Internet or he made millions in Muslim countries.
This goes way beyond character assassination. That's our view. We hope you know yours.
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