Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Here's an interesting read related to our earlier post,, The Bottom Line, from MarketWatch, about the unexpected.

LONDON (MarketWatch) — There are lots of things we more or less know will happen in 2016. The Federal Reserve will make lots of speeches about how it will raise interest several times, then leave them where they are. An oil company or two will go bust. Greece will go to the brink of leaving the euro, then get bailed out at the last moment.
All of that can just about be taken for granted as investors contemplate the 12 months ahead.
But what are the potential black swans — that is, events that no one has reckoned on yet, but which could rock the markets in the next 12 months? Most years one or two come along. Very few people saw that the oil price would crash so spectacularly this year, or that China would embark on share-buying frenzy only to see it collapse. 2016 will not be any different.

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