Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Trust is a fragile thing. Once lost it's hard to restore.

Brexit symbolized just that though many are still in denial and refuse to accept it. Today's FBI announcement is yet another example. And here's yet another in the short span of less than two weeks.

It's hardly a secret that global economies are in deep trouble. Many countries either are already bankrupt or are wallowing in debt that can't and will never be paid. Central banks around the globe--see, e.g., Japan for just one instance--have less credibility than a street peddler with an armful of Rolex watches.

Gold and silver prices, as you know of late, have been on a tear. Tears whether in one's pants on in markets strike fear. Often lots of it. Especially in high places. Read this about gold and you'll know just how afraid the entrenched are.

The oil patch isn't the only place rigging goes on.


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