Friday, July 29, 2016

Getting Rid Of Debt
Once upon a time it was the Russians are coming. Now it's the Russians who are pushing Donald Trump. Who says paranoia doesn't run deep and wide in the Democrat party.

The media, one and all, have decided that the DNC hack was the work of the Russian government, and the Democrats have taken this one step further and declared that Moscow is pushing the candidacy of Donald Trump due to his oft-stated hope to “get along” with Vladimir Putin. And US government officials have added their voices to this chorus, with the New York Times reporting that unnamed members of the “intelligence community” believe “with high confidence” that the Russian state is behind the hack, Justin Raimondo over on Stockman's Contra Corner reports 

We love MSM and their attribution skills, a source close to my kid sister's mother-in-law who knows one of the janitors whose uncle works in the intelligence community believes with high confidence the Russians did it. Trump says he wants to get along with Putin and now he's in cahoots with them and a possible collaborator. A real Richard Quisling amongst us. This from that pathetic excuse for an objective newspaper, the New York Times. We have another suspicion, a well known CNN broadcaster who got carried away dancing while toasting Hillary's acceptance speech. Booze does some strange things to one's head.

We just had a Hillary advisor, a white dude, tweet in one of those hacked DNC files he hates stupid white people, especially those who support Trump. Do you think the Russians know who Mitch Stewart is yet? That sounds like hate speech to us. We know one thing it most likely wasn't Paul Krugman who conjured up this doozy. This is beyond his level. But it could've been Al Franken. He's a Harvard man with a sense of humor. He might be the only one in the Democrat party. Someone needs to promptly find out who the real culprit is before Joe plagiarizes the whole malarkey and turns it in to a future convention speech. Another good possibility is that politician who hates super-sized sugar drinks. Maybe the Russians were overdosed on them. Naw! That's too linear. It couldn't have been any of these people. It's got the earmark of brilliance.

The Russians did it. They're a convenient target. The neocons want to start a Third World War anyway and if you check around the globe today you'll see their ramping the rabble up for one. The problem with that theme is be careful what you wish for. Just outright defaulting on all that debt might be a kinder, more gentle way of getting rid of it since you have not been successful so far inflating it away. Your game plan from the first time you heard someone say: Ben Bernanke.

But it has to go, so they can get on with the next round of globalizing. Man, those Russians, they think of everything. Some of them must be bankers.

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