The onslaught against gold and silver is like that of propaganda, it never ends
It's interesting that propaganda and polling both start with the same letter of the alphabet. And so does pissed-off as in a great swath of the American public in what is setting up to be one of this nation's dirtiest and perhaps bloodiest presidential election campaigns in history.
So what we have here is the three legged stool, polls such as many of those from MSM spewing out propaganda in the form of loaded numbers and a pissed-off large number of Americans who know what's happening. Take those recent polls that show Clinton ahead in swing states after getting a pass on her email scandals that everyone except her most dyed-in-corruption supporters know something rotten happened.
With gold and silver the attacks started up again right after Brexit. Both precious metals rallied, the fiat money merchants' worse nightmare. Venezuela is a good example of fiat money gone awry. To fiat money merchants and their shills in MSM the only real bull market is paper assets. Over the weekend a columnist for the WSJ wrote a pathetic piece about why bonds with negative yields were still a good buy.
He cited the obligatory Harvard study. (How much better off would this world be without Harvard?)
The study shows almost once every six years bonds since 1800 have negative real yields. His point being that today's bonds in the U.S. have "marginally positive" income and thus buyers shouldn't feel cheated or long for the so-called good old days.
He then as most MSM central bank apologists do cites bogus inflation indicators the Fed has been manipulating to their and the government's advantage for years to make his case: Bonds are still the safest way to protect against the inherent risk of stocks. Fiat money is the hallmark of Wall Street and central bankers. MSM serves their purpose quite well, being the useful idiots they are.
Given this market run-up, add to your gold and silver for the chaos that's en route. We have no associations with any gold and silver firms and we have no positions in the futures market. You want to take physical possession of the hard stuff. There is more than one way to spell insurance.
Without pushing innocents into bonds, this debt charade won't go on much longer. When the fat lady clears her throat--no apologies to the PC crowd here--it will be much too late.
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