Why we like gold.
Most of MSM and the entrenched hate it. Or at least that's what they claim.
One of the largest Dutch banks, ABN Amro, has now warned its business clients a negative interest rate on the business accounts is in the works. The bank is currently updating its terms and conditions and will more specifically include its right to reduce the interest rates below zero as the bank wants to ‘protect itself’ against the continuously changing market circumstances.
Remember Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the Florida Democrat Congresswoman, DNC chair and thoseWikiLeaked emails.
She incidentally is up for re-election in Florida this fall. We wonder how the rabble feel about that.
On top of that, people might have forgotten (but we haven’t) that ABN AMRO was –as far as we know- the first bank which defaulted on its obligation to deliver physical gold to some of its clients. Even those clients had the right to redeem a certain investment in physical gold, ABN didn’t honor this commitment and offered those clients a payout in cash rather than delivering the metal which it originally promised to do.
So we have a bank controlled by a government that wanted to repatriate its gold, which is now proposing to reduce the interest rate below zero? We don’t believe in coincidences.

Here's a link.zerohedge.com/news/2016-07-24/it-begins-dutch-bank-abn-amro-will-charge-negative-interest-deposits
As another poster recently put it: If you can't touch it, you don't own it.

Here's a link.zerohedge.com/news/2016-07-24/it-begins-dutch-bank-abn-amro-will-charge-negative-interest-deposits
As another poster recently put it: If you can't touch it, you don't own it.
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