Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Line Up And Shut Up

We have all heard the talk about hitting the nail on the head.

Here is a quote that does just that. It's factual, truthful and straight forward, all things the globalists who seek to run and control your life cannot stand and are dedicated to preventing.

European anti-Americanism is certain to escalate in the years ahead, not because of Trump or his policies, but because "globalists" appear desperate to save the failing European Union, an untransparent, unaccountable, anti-democratic, sovereignty-grabbing alternative to the nation state.

Though you yet might not completely recognize it, this is the struggle you and the rest of us are facing. It's a global struggle. All of the outright lying MSM does running interference for corporate government is designed to keep you from knowing. When the storm comes, the real storm, MSM will be one of the first targets. That will hardly be unjustified. Deception like everything else in life has its price. Brexit and the Red Vote not to mention all the tough talk from Brussels about not allowing a soft exit are part of the warnings signs.

Most of us don't want others around us who don't want to be there. We'd usually wish them well with a good riddance or such. Not these people. Everything with these self-righteous asses is personal. Why? It's simple to them; they are superior. And we're too stupid and too blind to see it, the ultimate insult to their their egos. Listen, masses, line your lame asses up and get in lockstep with the program. We've already tossed you lots of crumbs including a phony vote. We have even upgraded your appellations from subjects to citizens. What the hell else do you want? Line up and shut up.

If you've followed at all the opinions in the Financial Times even before the election, it reeks with anti-Trump and anti-Americanism. When their favorite ploy during recessions--fighting them with last century's monetary policy failed, a tactic they were so certain would work--they blamed the lack of fiscal spending, one of their convenient standbys, and then, finally, consumers. It couldn't be them, the ones who enabled the whole mess.

European anti-Americanism — which was on the wane during the presidency of Barack Obama, who steered the United States on a course of globalism rather than nationalism — is back with a vengeance.
Europe's media establishment has greeted Donald Trump's election victory with a vitriol not seen since the George W. Bush presidency, when anti-Americanism in Europe was at fever pitch.

Since the American election on November 9, European television, radio and print media have produced an avalanche of negative stories, editorials and commentary that seethe with rage over the outcome of the vote.

European criticism of Trump goes far beyond a simple displeasure with the man who will be the next president. The condemnation reveals a deep-seated contempt for the United States, and for American voters who democratically elected a candidate committed to restoring American economic and military strength.

If the past is any indication of the future, European anti-Americanism will be a pervasive feature of transatlantic relations during the Trump presidency.

Although European opinion-shapers have focused much of their indignation on the threat Trump allegedly poses to global order, the president-elect will inherit a world that is significantly more chaotic and insecure than it was when Obama became president in January 2009.
The primary cause of the global disorder is the lack of American leadership — leading from behind — at home and abroad.

A series of feckless decisions by Obama to reduce American military influence abroad have created geopolitical power vacuums that are being filled by countries and ideologies that are innately hostile to Western interests and values. China, Russia, Iran, North Korea and radical Islam — among many others — have all been emboldened to challenge the United States and its allies with impunity.


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